Considering these 5 questions:
- Who are you?
- What is the one thing you feel supremely qualified to provide to other people?
- Who do you do it for?
- What do these people want or need from you?
- How do they change or transform as a result of what you give them?
I am Camden Richter, and to me my purpose is to support others throughout various subjects, using many involved manners of execution. I do it for the feeling of society and personality, as well as the joy of making someone else happy. Nobody particularly needs anything from me, I give them the support they desire, and the friendship they enjoy, for the fun of it. They complete goals, get further in life, step by step. Whether that support is helping them with work, or taking care of something while they're busy, it creates a pocket of time for those people to feel collected, and successfully accomplish the task at hand.